Resources for Alignment

Align Resources

SWOT smBefore setting a new direction for your church or ministry, it is always good to begin evaluating where you are


Once you have decided what your next step needs to be in the six-fold strategy to raise up gospel workers, use the following questions below as a guide to develop a specific plan. If you need further assistance to develop a specific plan, check


barley field smHaving watched the Classis presentation GROWING GOSPEL IMPACT, reflect for a moment: how is your


priorities smStrategic planning is the process churches of all sizes use to turn their God-inspired visions into


19 smOn 25 January 2020 Australia confirmed its first case of the coronavirus — a Chinese national who flew into Melbourne on a flight from


member smSome churches ask their members to sign a covenant.  A covenant is what we would use to describe the vows between a husband and

Healthy_ChurchChurch leaders have to analyse the spiritual and financial health of their church on a...
offeringplateThere are many churches that are very generous in their mission giving. The Mizoram...

BlinkTake the blink test!   This is what Jack De Vries encourages churches to do as they consider God’s


estherThe book of Esther in the Bible does not even mention the name of God.   So how do you preach

cape town commitmentThe Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (Cape Town, 16-25 October 2010)...

leadershipVast numbers of current leaders surveyed believe that we are doing a poor job of leadership


gospelThe sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation left a profound mark not only on the church of Jesus Christ


Ministry-Formation-baseJack De Vries shared with aspiring youth leaders the adopted vision of


australia-600x0Four years have passed since the Synod of 2006 decided to implement what is known as our


by Gateway Community Church

gatewayIn this paper the church leaders of Gateway Community Church, Cockburn Central, WA,

by Ministry Formation Workgroup

restructuringSynod 2009 adopted a restructuring of the CRCA in order to advance...
by Jack De Vries

healthPersonal physical health is very important; so too is church health, particularly if churches desire...
by Natasha Percy

driscollMark Driscoll addressed 600+ Christian leaders at St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral in Sydney on...
by Jonathan Deenick

hardandsoftBeing “hard and soft” describes the way we ought to approach any sort of ministry,...

jackandjeannieOn the final day of 2007, Jack and Jeannie De Vries set foot on Australian soil, ending years of ministry in


estherThe book of Esther in the Bible does not even mention the name of God.   So how do you preach the message of this book?   Pastor Joe Vermeulen of Grace CRC in Perth took up the challenge with the help of some very creative people in his church.   Props or symbols were created for each message highlighting the key truths discovered in this book.   People discovered that the book of Esther shows the choice we make between seeing the hand of God in our circumstances in life and seeing things as merely coincidence.  God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe and we can be assured that His plans will not be moved by the actions of mere evil men. Although His name is not mentioned in the book, His providential care for his people, both individuals and the nation, is evident throughout.

Check out the pictures

Sharing Good News Naturally
Sharing Good News Naturally

Organic Outreach

Most churches would agree that evangelism is a priority. The CRCA declares that reaching the lost is central to its calling as a church: we are a church reforming to reach the lost for Christ. But so few churches and Christians are bearing fruit. In fact, most churches are either maintaining the status quo or are in decline.

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Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders
Coaching for Healthy Churches and Leaders


Shift is all about movement – with the help of one another and the power of God to reach our broken places and move ever closer to living a life worthy of our callings as churches and leaders. Leadership development begins with acknowledging and trusting the process and the people God uses to grow us.

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